2024/25 academic year
#60 - Teaching fuel cells (LINK)
#59 - Thoughts on the HL sample papers (LINK)
#58 - Grading IAs (LINK)
#57 - Responding to failure (LINK)
#56 - The home straight (LINK)
#55 - Phase One complete (LINK)
#54 - The Year 2 grind (LINK)
#53 - Organic overload (LINK)
#52 - Back titrations (LINK)
#51 - The benefits of an atypical course structure (LINK)
#50 - Born-Haber cycles (LINK)
#49 - IA mini-series part 6: Feedback (LINK)
#48 - Examiner's comments on Questionbank (LINK)
#47 - Classification of organic compounds (LINK)
#46 - Bridging the 4 to 5 gap (LINK)
#45 - Progress bars (LINK)
#44 - Question car parks (LINK)
#43 - Misconceptions mini-series: Part B (LINK)
#42 - IA deadline window (LINK)
#41 - Misconceptions mini-series: Part A (LINK)
#40 - Spreadsheet skills (LINK)
#39 - Should student grades increase over time? (LINK)
#38 - A few thoughts from Scott Milam (LINK)
#37 - Where to start? (LINK)
#60 - Teaching fuel cells (LINK)
#59 - Thoughts on the HL sample papers (LINK)
#58 - Grading IAs (LINK)
#57 - Responding to failure (LINK)
#56 - The home straight (LINK)
#55 - Phase One complete (LINK)
#54 - The Year 2 grind (LINK)
#53 - Organic overload (LINK)
#52 - Back titrations (LINK)
#51 - The benefits of an atypical course structure (LINK)
#50 - Born-Haber cycles (LINK)
#49 - IA mini-series part 6: Feedback (LINK)
#48 - Examiner's comments on Questionbank (LINK)
#47 - Classification of organic compounds (LINK)
#46 - Bridging the 4 to 5 gap (LINK)
#45 - Progress bars (LINK)
#44 - Question car parks (LINK)
#43 - Misconceptions mini-series: Part B (LINK)
#42 - IA deadline window (LINK)
#41 - Misconceptions mini-series: Part A (LINK)
#40 - Spreadsheet skills (LINK)
#39 - Should student grades increase over time? (LINK)
#38 - A few thoughts from Scott Milam (LINK)
#37 - Where to start? (LINK)
2023/24 academic year
#36 - Key learning from the 2023/24 academic year (LINK)
#35 - IA mini-series: Part 5 (LINK)
#34 - IA mini-series: Part 4 (LINK)
#33 - IA mini-series: Part 3 (LINK)
#32 - IA mini-series: Part 2 (LINK)
#31 - IA mini-series: Part 1 (LINK)
#30 - A conversation with Elisa Jimenez Grant (LINK)
#29 - Insights from the creator of ChemGuide: Jim Clark (LINK) (full written interview)
#28 - Death by PowerPoint (LINK)
#27 - 'For every' statements (LINK)
#26 - Student note-taking in class (LINK)
#25 - Grappling with graphing (LINK)
#24 - James Midgley on the IA (LINK)
#23 - Specific heat capacity (LINK)
#22 - Reflections on course structure (LINK)
#21 - Time-saving strategies for practice questions (LINK)
#20 - Practice questions (LINK)
#19 - Quick-check questions (LINK)
#18 - The decimetre cubed cube (LINK)
#17 - Thoughts on the first half of the year (LINK)
#16 - Frayer models (LINK)
#15 - Potential energy (LINK)
#14 - Internal assessment practice (LINK)
#13 - Slow practicals (LINK)
#12 - Venn diagrams for conceptual understanding (LINK)
#11 - Core concepts in IB Chemistry (LINK)
#10 - Visible thinking routines (LINK)
#9 - I do, we do, you do (LINK)
#8 - Where to stand during independent work (LINK)
#7 - Targeted test review (LINK)
#6 - Using class time for test preparation (LINK)
#5 - The habit of asking questions (LINK)
#4 - Pace vs confidence (LINK)
#3 - Practical procedures and cold calling (LINK)
#2 - Mini-whiteboards and measurements as ranges (LINK)
#1 - Designated seating and the first unit of the course (LINK)
#36 - Key learning from the 2023/24 academic year (LINK)
#35 - IA mini-series: Part 5 (LINK)
#34 - IA mini-series: Part 4 (LINK)
#33 - IA mini-series: Part 3 (LINK)
#32 - IA mini-series: Part 2 (LINK)
#31 - IA mini-series: Part 1 (LINK)
#30 - A conversation with Elisa Jimenez Grant (LINK)
#29 - Insights from the creator of ChemGuide: Jim Clark (LINK) (full written interview)
#28 - Death by PowerPoint (LINK)
#27 - 'For every' statements (LINK)
#26 - Student note-taking in class (LINK)
#25 - Grappling with graphing (LINK)
#24 - James Midgley on the IA (LINK)
#23 - Specific heat capacity (LINK)
#22 - Reflections on course structure (LINK)
#21 - Time-saving strategies for practice questions (LINK)
#20 - Practice questions (LINK)
#19 - Quick-check questions (LINK)
#18 - The decimetre cubed cube (LINK)
#17 - Thoughts on the first half of the year (LINK)
#16 - Frayer models (LINK)
#15 - Potential energy (LINK)
#14 - Internal assessment practice (LINK)
#13 - Slow practicals (LINK)
#12 - Venn diagrams for conceptual understanding (LINK)
#11 - Core concepts in IB Chemistry (LINK)
#10 - Visible thinking routines (LINK)
#9 - I do, we do, you do (LINK)
#8 - Where to stand during independent work (LINK)
#7 - Targeted test review (LINK)
#6 - Using class time for test preparation (LINK)
#5 - The habit of asking questions (LINK)
#4 - Pace vs confidence (LINK)
#3 - Practical procedures and cold calling (LINK)
#2 - Mini-whiteboards and measurements as ranges (LINK)
#1 - Designated seating and the first unit of the course (LINK)